The data regarding the global and segmental growth and development of the child are useful in pluri-disciplinary studies which view the human body as an entity where the biological aspects (both the normal and the pathological ones) interlace with the socio-cultural ones, thus offering the possibility to any specialist in the field of humanities and morphological studies to cover a wide range in contemporary anthropological research. The development of the skull takes place in two active stages separated by a stage of relative quiet during the age of seven and puberty when the skull has a dolicocephalic aspect. During the second stage of active growth (which starts with puberty) there is a transversal growth of the basis of the cranium followed by an anteroposterior growth. The degree of gender-related differences as far as the dimensions and proportions of the skull are concerned vary greatly according to race, therefore we may say that general ethnic differences are more pronounced than gender-related ones.