Objective: To compare screening mammography and Pap testing among Chinese women in Seattle, Washington to Vancouver, and British Columbia.
Methods: Using community-based sampling methods, trilingual female interviewers surveyed Chinese women in Seattle and Vancouver. Multiple preventive health behaviors and health care access variables were assessed. Mammography analysis included 409 women aged 50-74 years. Pap testing analysis included 973 women aged 20-69 years. Main outcome measures were ever use and use in the last 2 years of screening mammography and Pap testing.
Results: Chinese women in Vancouver were younger, more educated and fluent in English. Unadjusted rates of mammography and Pap testing were similar between the two cities. Provider type was consistently associated with screening in both cities; female providers had the highest rates and Chinese male providers the lowest. Adjusted logistic regression analysis demonstrated similar mammography use in the two cities. However, for Pap testing, women in Seattle had higher odds of screening compared to Vancouver.
Conclusion: Despite universal health care coverage and baseline characteristics typically associated with greater utilization of preventive screening services, Chinese women in Vancouver did not have higher rates of screening mammography and Pap testing compared to Chinese women in Seattle.