Data are presented from an interview case-control study (583 cases and 608 controls), performed in southern Ontario, Canada, from October 1984 to September 1986, on the association of cutaneous malignant melanoma with exposure to fluorescent light. Males showed a significant trend with cumulative years of occupational exposure and with various indices of exposure to domestic fluorescent light. The risk was more pronounced for lesions on the arms and for superficial spreading melanomas. There was no consistent association in females. These effects were similar when adjusted for other major risk factors for melanoma, including the amount of time spent outdoors occupationally. Comparisons of melanoma cases interviewed before or after diagnosis revealed no evidence of rumination bias. Comparisons of sample data from the same cases and controls by interview and mail questionnaire showed reasonable levels of reliability with no evidence of recall bias. A small sample of subjects was also selected for exposure validation with employers; this revealed very accurate recall of occupational exposure. On the basis of these results, previous epidemiologic studies, and clinical and animal evidence, the authors conclude that fluorescent light exposure remains a potential risk factor for melanoma.