The implicit and explicit memory in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) was investigated using the event-related potential (ERP). For the assessment of implicit memory, a lexical decision task was administered. Among a total of 320 words and 140 non-words, 200 words were repeated, while the remaining 120 words and the 140 non-words were not repeated. For explicit memory, a continuous recognition task was administered, in which 280 words were repeated and 100 were not repeated. On the recognition task, both the controls and OCD patients showed more positivity to the old words than to the new words during the 200-600 ms period post-stimulus. Both groups showed faster response time to the old words than to the new words. On the lexical decision task, the controls showed the old/new effect during the 200-500 ms period post-stimulus, while the OCD patients did not. However, OCD patient showed faster response time to the old words than to the new words, although OCD patients showed prolonged response times to the old words compared to the controls. These results indicate that OCD patients have preserved explicit and implicit memory. The absence of old/new effect on ERP in OCD patients was discussed in terms of dysfunction of frontostriatal system, which plays an important role in both OCD and implicit memory.