Objective: To investigate comprehensive neuropsychological outcome, disabilities in daily life and individual recovery processes in a case of anoxic encephalopathy.
Design: A 9-year-old child's functional outcome after anoxic coma was evaluated in a follow-up study with assessments at 5, 9 and 12 months post-injury. A comprehensive neuropsychological protocol was administered. Qualitative methods of analysis and ecological observation were associated with standard and non-standard quantitative measures.
Results: The child presented pervasive functional deficits with prevalence of gnosic, praxic and self-regulatory dysfunction. Dissociated functional recovery was documented in 12 months time. Improvement of self-regulatory abilities was likely a 'propeller' of global system re-organization.
Conclusion: A descriptive longitudinal study of functional and ecological behavioural changes after anoxic coma provides insight into the re-adaptation processes in the brain connected to post-lesion ecological and training experiences. Contextual factors and their relations to functional improvements deserve further study.