Background: Early diagnosis and prompt treatment of a number of renal diseases may delay renal failure, obviate the need for renal replacement therapy and reduce co-morbidity. The aim of this study was to examine the impact of out-reach renal clinics on patterns of referral of patients with renal impairment to a nephrologist.
Methods: The number of patients with renal impairment was determined as defined by serum creatinine levels >150 micromol/l in three centres within a single NHS trust over two separate 1-week periods. None of the centres studied has a local nephrologist, however one centre (hospital A) has renal out-reach clinics, another is geographically close to a renal unit (hospital B), while the third unit (hospital C) has no nephrology presence and is geographically furthest from the renal unit. In addition, retrospective as well as follow-up data on the renal function of all patients with renal impairment was collected.
Results: In hospital A, there was a lower proportion of patients with unreferred renal impairment than in the other two hospitals. Within the unreferred patient group there were significantly more patients whose renal function improved during the follow-up period. A considerable proportion of patients with documented deterioration in renal function remained unknown to nephrology services 6 months after initial presentation. Other than the presence of an onsite nephrology service, the only other factor found to be significantly different in those patients not referred to nephrologists was age: as in all three centres, those not referred were significantly older.
Conclusion: Inequity of access to renal services is an important obstacle to early referral of patients with impaired renal function. Out-reach renal services provide a model which significantly improves referral patterns.
Copyright 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel.