Aim: In recent times there has been an increasing interest in assessing the quality of life (QOL) in stroke clinical trials. To our knowledge, an Italian tool suitable for this purpose is still missing. So we adapted to Italian language the Stroke and Aphasia Quality of Life Scale-39 (SAQOL-39), that is a British questionnaire recently validated with aphasic subjects. The aim of this paper is to validate our version of SAQOL-39.
Methods: To determine the matching of our version, we requested a native English speaker to translate the Italian version into English. Twelve patients (7 male, 5 female; mean age 66.4 years) were submitted to our test. All subjects were interviewed twice by 2 raters, at 24 h of distance. Neither examinator knew results of the other interview. Statistical analysis was performed by determining Cronbach's a and the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC).
Results: Comparing the original SAQOL-39 to the English translation of our Italian version, we found only a low percentage (10%) of minimal semantic variations. As for test-retest reliability, ICC for global score was 0.898 (ICC(2,39)). ICC range for SAQOL-39 subdomains was 0.816 to 0.969. Cronbach's a for full scale scores was 0.916 (subdomains ranged 0.767 to 0.976). Results seem good as for usefulness, reliability and acceptability of the Italian version of SAQOL-39, like the original version of this test.
Conclusions: Our Italian version of SAQOL-39 seems suitable for clinical use. A multicentric study aiming to compare our data to original English ones is in progress.