It has previously been shown in macaques that individual animals exhibit varying responses to challenge with the same strain of SIV. We attempted to elucidate these differences using functional genomics and correlate them to biological response. Unfractionated PBMC from three rhesus macaques were isolated, activated, and infected with SIVmac239. Interestingly, one of the three animals used for these experiments exhibited a completely unique response to infection relative to the other two. After repeated attempts to infect the PBMC from this animal, little or no infectivity was seen across the time points considered, and corresponding to this apparent lack of infection, few genes were seen to be differentially expressed when compared to mock-infected cells. For the remaining two animals, gene expression analysis showed that while they exhibited responses for the same groups of pathways, these responses included differences specific to the individual animal at the gene level. In instances where the patterns of differential gene expression differed between these animals, the genes being differentially expressed were associated with the same categories of biological process, mainly immune response and cell signaling. At the pathway level, these animals again exhibited similar responses that could be predicted based on the experimental conditions. Even in these expected results, the degree of response and the specific genes being regulated differed greatly from animal to animal. The differences in gene expression on an individual level have the potential to be used as markers in identification of animals suitable for lentiviral infection experiments. Our results highlight the importance of individual variation in response to viral challenge.