HIV-1 viral load falls rapidly on initiation of HAART. This phase of decreasing yet substantial viral production in the presence of antiretroviral drugs could generate resistant HIV-1. Whether switching a drug from a failing regime changes the demography of the mutations associated with it in the CD4+ T-cell compartment is not well-defined. We investigated the presence/absence and quantity of 184M and 184V in the CD4+ T-cell compartment of naïve patients initiated to HAART (group I), and patients who shifted to a non-lamivudine therapy (group II). We initiated a prospective 90 d follow-up study of 11 patients to detect and quantity proviral HIV-1 184M and 184V in the CD4+ T-cell compartment with a sensitive real time PCR assay. Results showed that the 184V was not detected in the CD4+ T-cell compartment of any of the 7 naïve patients who started on HAART. Three out of the 4 patients in group II experienced a fall in the percentage of 184V, with reduction to below detection limits in 2 patients. It can be concluded that initiation of HAART does not allow the archiving of the lamivudine associated mutation, 184V, in the CD4+ T-cell compartment. Reduction in the quantity of 184V when therapy is switched to an effective non-lamivudine regime indicates that the mutation in this compartment is dynamic.