Introduction: Liver failure is associated with reduced synthesis of clotting factors, consumptive coagulopathy, and platelet dysfunction. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of liver support using a molecular adsorbent recirculating system (MARS) on the coagulation system in patients at high risk of bleeding.
Methods: We studied 61 MARS treatments in 33 patients with acute liver failure (n = 15), acute-on-chronic liver failure (n = 8), sepsis (n = 5), liver graft dysfunction (n = 3), and cholestasis (n = 2). Standard coagulation tests, standard thromboelastography (TEG), and heparinase-modified and abciximab-fab-modified TEG were performed immediately before and 30 minutes after commencement of MARS, and after the end of MARS treatment. Prostaglandin I2 was administered extracorporeally to all patients; 17 patients additionally received unfractioned heparin.
Results: Three moderate bleeding complications in three patients, requiring three to four units of packed red blood cells, were observed. All were sufficiently managed without interrupting MARS treatment. Although there was a significant decrease in platelet counts (median, 9 G/l; range, -40 to 145 G/l) and fibrinogen concentration (median, 15 mg/dl; range, -119 to 185 mg/dl) with a consecutive increase in thrombin time, the platelet function, as assessed by abciximab-fab-modified TEG, remained stable. MARS did not enhance fibrinolysis.
Conclusion: MARS treatment appears to be well tolerated during marked coagulopathy due to liver failure. Although MARS leads to a further decrease in platelet count and fibrinogen concentration, platelet function, measured as the contribution of the platelets to the clot firmness in TEG, remains stable. According to TEG-based results, MARS does not enhance fibrinolysis.