Aim: The purpose of this study was to determine the volume of the tongue using MRI. The correlation of the individual volume of the tongue and the size of the oral cavity was to be investigated.
Material and methods: To analyze the tongue volume we combined coronal and sagittal data acquisition, which divided the tongue virtually into two lateral and one medial part. This procedure helped to decrease artefacts by partial volume effect. In 20 probands (m/f 7/13, average age of 36.3 years) the volume of the tongue was determined. Imaging protocol: Magnetom 63 SP (Siemens, Erlangen), T1-weighted sequences (TR/TE 500 ms/10 ms), slice thickness 5 mm, matrix 256 x 256, FOV 250 mm.
Results: There was a significant linear regression between the tongue volume and height of the mouth cavity. This correlation can be used to calculate the normal volume of a patient's tongue.
Discussion: Volumetry of the tongue can be carried out by means of MRI without application of injurious X-rays. It can be employed before as well as after tongue reduction surgeries for therapy control. The individual ideal tongue volume can be determined easily by determination of the height of the oral cavity.