Introduction: Delusions may arise from abnormalities in emotional perception. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that delusional schizophrenia patients are more likely than non-delusional schizophrenia patients and healthy participants to assign affective meanings to neutral stimuli.
Methods: Unpleasant, pleasant, and neutral words were randomly presented to three subject groups--patients with schizophrenia with prominent delusions, patients with schizophrenia without delusions, and healthy participants. Participants performed three tasks: one in which they decided whether a letter string was a word or a non-word (lexical decision) and two affective classification tasks in which they judged whether words were 1) neutral or unpleasant, or 2) neutral or pleasant.
Results: While there were no significant between-group differences in lexical decision performance, patients with delusions showed selective performance deficits in both affective classification tasks. First, delusional patients were significantly more likely than non-delusional patients and healthy participants to classify words as unpleasant. Second, delusional patients took significantly longer than both other groups to correctly classify neutral words in both affective classification tasks.
Conclusions: Taken together, these findings suggest that delusions are associated with the explicit misattribution of salience to neutral stimuli.