Mammals possess a specialized O2-sensing system (SOS), which compensates for encounters with hypoxia that occur during development, disease, and at altitude. Consisting of the resistance pulmonary arteries (PA), ductus arteriosus, carotid body, neuroepithelial body, systemic arteries, fetal adrenomedullary cell and fetoplacental arteries, the SOS optimizes O2-uptake and delivery. Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV), a vasomotor response of resistance PAs to alveolar hypoxia, optimizes ventilation/perfusion matching and systemic pO2. Though modulated by the endothelium, HPV's core mechanism resides in the smooth muscle cell (SMC). The Redox Theory proposes that HPV results from the coordinated action of a redox sensor (proximal mitochondrial electron transport chain) which generates a diffusible mediator (a reactive O2 species, ROS) that regulates effector proteins (voltage-gated K(v) channels). Hypoxic withdrawal of ROS inhibits K(v)1.5 and K(v)2.1, depolarizes PASMCs, activates voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, increasing Ca2+ influx and causing vasoconstriction. Hypoxia's effect on ROS (decrease vs. increase) and the molecular origins of ROS (mitochondria vs. NADPH oxidase) remains controversial. Distal to this pathway, Rho kinase regulates the contractile apparatus' sensitivity to Ca2+. Also, a role for cADP ribose as a redox-regulated mediator of intracellular Ca2+ release has been proposed. Despite tissue heterogeneity in the SOS's output (vasomotion versus neurosecretion), O2-sensitive K+ channels constitute a conserved effector mechanism. Disorders of the O2-sensing may contribute to diseases, such as pulmonary hypertension.