Six patients suffering from refractory malignancies (3 NHL, 1 MM, 1 AML, 1 neuroblastoma) received high dose of chemotherapy and autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (APBSCT). The recruitment of PBSC was performed using conventional salvatage schedules of therapy. The patients received a median of 8.69 MNC/kg bw and 20.87 CFU-GM x 10(4)/kg bw. Prompt engraftment occurred in all patients and the median number of days to achieve WBC greater than 1 x 10(9)/l was 16.5 (range 7-26), PMN greater than 0.5 x 10(9)/l was 21.5 (range 6-37) and PLTs greater than 50 x 10(9)/l was 17.5 (range 4-31). Four patients achieved a complete remission. One patient (neuroblastoma) died of progressive disease after a partial response. One patient died in relapse because of drug related toxicity.