Various doses of the combined MMR vaccine containing the Rubini mumps strain were distributed in Catalonia in 1994 and 1995. We studied outbreaks of mumps reported from 1997 to 2002 to determine the possible involvement of this vaccine in the appearance of non-preventable mumps outbreaks. A total of 17 mumps outbreaks were declared in the period 1997-2000, 14 of which were in schoolchildren. In 11, it was determined that children were correctly vaccinated. Of these, 10 were non-preventable outbreaks. 66% of cases investigated had ages which coincided with vaccination in the period 1994-1996, during which the MMR vaccine containing the Rubini mumps strain was administered. In Catalonia, during the period 1997-2000, at least two-thirds of mumps cases in schoolchildren could be explained by vaccination with the combined MMR vaccine containing the Rubini strain, which has also been associated with mumps outbreaks amongst vaccinated people in other countries.