The CA repeat microsatellite DXS456, with a heterozygosity of 77%, has been localized by multipoint linkage analysis in relation to 20 other genetic markers. DXS456 mapped to a 4.2-cM interval defined by the flanking markers DXS178 and DXS287. The maximum likelihood order of markers, cen-(DXYS1X/DXYS13X/DXYS2X/DXYS12X)-DXS366 -DXS178-DXS456-DXS287-DXS358-DXS267- qter, is favored by odds greater than 1000:1 over the subset of most likely alternative orders. Linkage of DXS456 can be inferred for at least six disease genes that are known to be linked to markers in the region Xq21.31-Xq25 and the marker will serve as an important index point for orienting these and other disease and marker loci in the region.