A 56-year-old man, who had been complaining of diarrhea for several months, was admitted for further examination of a hepatic tumor. A needle biopsy of the hepatic tumor suggested metastatic carcinoid tumor. The primary tumor was found in the ileum by extracorporeal sonographic examination and a barium meal study. We performed a partial excision of the ileum, lymph node resection, wedge biopsy of the liver, and catheterization from the right iliac artery to the hepatic artery for intraarterial chemotherapy. The pathological diagnosis was endocrine cell carcinoma of the ileum and local lymph nodes and hepatic metastasis. After surgery, the patient has been treated with continuous intraarterial infusion of CDDP and 5FU. The liver tumors almost disappeared. As of 20 months after the surgery, the patient is well and is being followed in the outpatient clinic.