Quantum-phase resolved mapping of ground-state vibrational D2 wave packets via selective depletion in intense laser pulses

Phys Rev Lett. 2006 Sep 8;97(10):103004. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.103004. Epub 2006 Sep 7.


Applying 7 fs pump-probe pulses (780 nm, 4 x 10(14) W/cm2) we observe electronic ground-state vibrational wave packets in neutral D2 with a period of T=11.101(70) fs by following the internuclear separation (R-)dependent ionization with a sensitivity of Delta<R><or=0.02 A. The absolute phase of the wave packet's motion provides evidence for R-dependent depletion of the ground state by nonlinear ionization, to be the dominant preparation mechanism. A phase shift of about pi found between pure ionization (D2+) and dissociation (D+ + D) channels opens a pathway of quantum control.