A 66-year-old previously healthy female was diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma (RCC) metastic to the 4th, 6th and 12th thoracic vertebrae. Despite external beam radiotheraphy (20G in 5 fractions), she progressed to spinal cord compression within 4 weeks and was wheelchair bound. Radiation and surgery were not considered suitable, but sunitinib was initiated. After two 6-week sunitinib cycles, she is fully ambulatory. She reports grade I fatigue and occasional epistaxis, as sole side effects. This case demonstrates that despite the rapid progression of the disease, which escaped the effect of radiation within four weeks, sunitinib resulted in complete clinical symptom resolution, which was confirmed radiographically. Moreover, it appears that the novel therapies for metastatic RCC may restore quality and quantity of life to many of those, whose disease previously appeared too advanced to treat.