In individuals with ALS rehabilitation is mainly designed to prevent fatigue and contracture, to improve independence and activities for as long as possible, to optimize ability to live with the handicap, and finally to maximize quality of life. The functional impairment must be defined and physical therapy techniques have to be adapted to each patient and reevaluated frequently during the course of the disease. Various types of massage and exercise, monitored by a physical therapist are effective. Strengthening or endurance exercises are controversial as exercise may injure muscle fibres and motor neurons. Isometric exercise, short of fatigue, of unaffected muscles is recommended. Range of motion exercise is critically important for preventing contraction. Assistive and adaptative equipments are essential for maintaining the patient's activities of daily living and home equipment preserves independence. Several orthoses for hand, arm, foot or cervical weakness are available. A wheelchair is an important adaptative device when walking becomes too fatiguing or impossible. Choice for special options and features may require attention. Pulmonary complications are prevented with adapted techniques for bronchic obstruction. Based on the degree of weakness of limb and axial muscles six stages of functional impairment can be defined ranging from fully ambulatory in stage I to bedridden and totally dependent in stage VI. This staging provides a framework for physical therapy evaluation and guidance for appropriate rehabilitation in ALS patients.