Several trials have indicated that topical tacrolimus is safe and effective for several immunologic-based skin disorders. We report a child <2 months old, who was admitted to our pediatric department because of generalized erythroderma. We started tacrolimus ointment 0.03% therapy by applying the ointment to the skin once daily, on a limited surface of 10 cm(2), changing the skin areas only after the disappearance of inflammation. After only one application we observed a marked improvement of the treated area and after another application the localized erythroderma disappeared. We changed the site of application and continued this treatment regime for 4 weeks. After 2 weeks we reduced treatment application once every other day and after an additional 2 weeks we discontinued therapy because of complete resolution of erythroderma. No adverse clinical effect was recorded and tolerance to the treatment was good. We conclude that 0.03% tacrolimus ointment is efficacious and safe even in an infant <2 months of age.