To determine the association of tissue culture-adherent Escherichia coli with diarrhea, serotyped E. coli strains isolated in a yearlong case-control study of infantile diarrhea in Bangkok, Thailand, were examined for adherence to HeLa cells and for hybridization with the enteropathogenic E. coli adherence factor, the F1845, and the enteroaggregative E. coli (EAggEC) DNA probes. E. coli that adhered to HeLa cells in a localized adherence (LA) pattern (LA E. coli) was isolated from 26 of 509 infants with diarrhea (cases) and 9 of 509 age-matched controls (P = .006); E. coli with diffuse or aggregative adherence (DA or AA) to HeLa cells or that hybridized with the F1845 or EAggEC probes was not associated with infantile diarrhea. LA E. coli of classical enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) serotypes was isolated from 11 cases and 1 control (P = .003). EPEC O44:H18 that adhered to HeLa cells in a DA pattern and hybridized with the F1845 DNA probe was the predominant E. coli (five of five colonies tested) isolated from a 5-month-old girl with diarrhea in whom no other enteric infections were identified. Although LA E. coli was highly associated with infantile diarrhea, the role of DA and AA E. coli was uncertain in this setting.