The objective of this study was to study Schistosoma mekongi and other intestinal parasitic infections, and intestinal symptoms and related complaints among school-age children and adolescents living around Tonle Sap Lake. Villages were selected where there were potential signs of schistosomiasis (hepatomegaly), and where subjects complained of intestinal symptoms. Stool samples were collected from 1,616 children and were examined by Kato-Katz, SAF concentration, and Baermann technique; short clinical examinations were also performed. No S. mekongi infection was detected, although a high level of intense human water contacts was reported. Helminth infection such as Ascaris lumbricoides (27.7%) and hookworms (29.7%) were common. Trichuris trichiura 4.4%), Hymenolepis nana (6.2%), Giardia lamblia (4.2%), and Entamoeba spp (14.4%) were also recorded. Strongyloides stercoralis was frequently diagnosed (20.2%). It was concluded that it is unlikely that S. mekongi is transmitted in Tonle Sap Lake. However, other intestinal parasitic infections are widespread. In particular, S. stercoralis should be considered an important etiologic agent in children and adolescents with abdominal complaints.