Dominant ataxias show wide geographic variation. We analyzed 108 dominant families and 123 sporadic ataxia patients from Mexico for mutations causing SCA1-3, 6-8, 10, 12, 17 and DRPLA. Only 18.5% of dominant families remained undiagnosed; SCA2 accounted for half (45.4%), followed by SCA10 (13.9%), SCA3 (12%), SCA7 (7.4%), and SCA17 (2.8%). None had SCA1, 6, 8, 12 or DRPLA. Among sporadic cases, 6 had SCA2 (4.9%), and 2 had SCA17 (1.6%). In the SCA2 patients we identified 6 individuals with the rare (CAG)(33) allele, 2 of whom showed early onset ataxia. The distribution of dominant ataxia mutations in Mexicans is distinct from other populations.
(c) 2007 Movement Disorder Society.