The effect of supplementation with branched-chain amino acids in patients with liver cirrhosis

Hepatol Res. 2007 Jul;37(7):510-6. doi: 10.1111/j.1872-034X.2007.00081.x.


Aim: We investigated the effect of supplementation with branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) in patients with liver cirrhosis on the change of energy metabolism as well as glucose tolerance.

Methods: Thirty liver cirrhosis patients underwent nutrient supervision by a dietician for one week. They were then prescribed oral supplementation with three packs of a BCAA nutrient (Livact 4.15 g/pack; Ajinomoto Pharma, Tokyo, Japan), taken three times a day: after breakfast, dinner and before sleep. The change in energy metabolism and glucose tolerance was examined using an indirect calorimeter and 75 g oral glucose tolerance test (75 g OGTT).

Results: Non-protein respiratory quotient (npRQ) as well as branched-chain amino acid/tyrosine ratio (BTR) showed significant improvement, especially in patients with a creatinine height index (CHI) greater than 80. There was also a significant correlation between npRQ after one week of BCAA supplementation and the CHI. The patients with CHI greater than 80 and those with borderline pattern assessed by 75 g OGTT showed significant improvement in impaired glucose tolerance.

Conclusion: Liver cirrhosis patients with CHI greater than 80 are the first candidates for BCAA supplementation. These patients showed improvement not only in energy metabolism and BTR, but also glucose tolerance.