Concepts of the structure, function and development of stromal components of the heart based on the author's studies and the literature data are discussed. The presence in the heart of stromal components of two generations (provisory and definitive) developing from different embryonic rudiments in suggested. Histogenetic processes of the stromal development at early stages of heart organogenesis are described. A detailed description of chondroid provisory tissue and sinusoidal vessels ensuring stromal and trophic functions with respect to muscular elements of myocardium is provided. A comparative characteristic of chondroid tissue and cartilage is given. Attention is given to stromal components which, being derivatives of the provisory stroma, are present in the heart of humans and vertebrates, constituting an obligatory part of the united connective tissue stroma and blood supply system of the heart. An original scheme is proposed reflecting general pattern of the development and interaction of stromal heart components of two generations, having different sources of origin. Observations supported by an original scheme are made regarding the place of stromal heart components in the system of supportive structures of the organism. Organ specificity of heart stroma is supposed to be a basis for using aortal-valval complex of pigs as bioprostheses in modern cardiac surgery.