We describe 50 patients with suppurative regional lymphadenitis following intradermal BCG vaccination. For non-drained suppurations we performed needle aspiration in twenty-three patients (aspiration group). Of the remaining 27 patients (drainage group) 16 had spontaneous drainage and 11 incisional drainage. In the drainage group, 17 patients were followed up conservatively. Ten patients from the drainage group and 3 patients from the aspiration group (drained after needle aspiration) accepted total surgical excision to terminate the drainage. Twenty of twenty-three patients in the aspiration group recovered after needle aspiration. Average period of cessation of drainage and healing of wound was 7.5 weeks in patients with drainage (spontaneous and incisional). Healing was complete after total surgical excision of draining suppurations in all of 11 patients. We concluded that simple needle aspiration was sufficient for the treatment of suppurating but non-drained BCG lymphadenitis. For suppurating lymph nodes that were surgically (not recommended) or spontaneously drained, a more invasive procedure, total surgical excision, was proposed to terminate the long and disturbing drainage period.