Selectin-ligand interactions (bonds) mediate leukocyte rolling on vascular surfaces. The molecular basis for differential ligand recognition by selectins is poorly understood. Here, we show that substituting one residue (A108H) in the lectin domain of L-selectin increased its force-free affinity for a glycosulfopeptide binding site (2-GSP-6) on P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1) but not for a sulfated-glycan binding site (6-sulfo-sialyl Lewis x) on peripheral node addressin. The increased affinity of L-selectinA108H for 2-GSP-6 was due to a faster on-rate and to a slower off-rate that increased bond lifetimes in the absence of force. Rather than first prolonging (catching) and then shortening (slipping) bond lifetimes, increasing force monotonically shortened lifetimes of L-selectinA108H bonds with 2-GSP-6. When compared with microspheres bearing L-selectin, L-selectinA108H microspheres rolled more slowly and regularly on 2-GSP-6 at low flow rates. A reciprocal substitution in P-selectin (H108A) caused faster microsphere rolling on 2-GSP-6. These results distinguish molecular mechanisms for L-selectin to bind to PSGL-1 and peripheral node addressin and explain in part the shorter lifetimes of PSGL-1 bonds with L-selectin than P-selectin.