A novel [125I]-labelled photoaffinity ligand designed to detect cannabinoid binding sites has been used in mouse brain preparations and in cultured S49 mouse lymphoma cells. The ligand, 2-iodo-5'-azido-delta 8-THC, shows a high affinity for sites in both brain (Kd = 5.60 pM) and whole cell (Kd = 9.38 pM) systems. Photolabelling studies with brain samples revealed the existence of four ligand-protein adducts, of estimated molecular weights 85.5, 62.1, 30.0 and 25.5 kDa, that were diminished by prior exposure to 8 microM THC. A similar study with S49 cells gave adducts with apparent molecular weights of 62.1, 34.4, 16.9 and 13.5 kDa. The ligand produces a typical cannabinoid cataleptic response in mice suggesting that possibly one or more of the binding sites may be involved in some of the receptor mediated actions of THC.