Dermatomyositis (DM) is an autoimmune disease, which is often accompanied by the development of disease-specific autoantibodies directed against the SNF2-superfamily helicase, Mi-2. Recent evidence suggests that ultraviolet radiation exposure may be an important risk factor for the development of not only the disease but also specific autoimmunity against Mi-2. Consequently, we investigated the effects of ultraviolet radiation on Mi-2 protein expression. We observed an increase in protein levels upon ultraviolet radiation exposure in cell culture systems. These changes in expression occur quite rapidly, are maximized just 1 h following exposure, and are unique to Mi-2 when compared with other members of the NuRD complex. Changes in protein levels are not mediated through transcriptional mechanisms. Treatment results in a more efficiently translated message through regulatory elements in the 5'-UTR region of the transcript. Investigation into protein half-life further demonstrated increased stability of Mi-2 following UV exposure. Taken together, we describe a system by which Mi-2 protein expression can be quickly increased following UV exposure and then maintained up to 16 h later. These data provide a novel regulation of an important transcriptional regulator and provide insight into the possible mechanisms of the development of DM and associated autoantibodies.