Background/aims: To compare the reliability of preoperative stereoencephalography (SEEG) and intraoperative electrostimulation regarding functional mapping, and to select the indication for surgery for focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) in language areas.
Methods: The authors present the case of a 21-year-old, right-handed female, suffering from chronic pharmacologically resistant epilepsy since the age of 8. MRI showed a subcortical hypersignal on FLAIR and T(2) sequences at the posterior end of the left superior temporal sulcus compatible with an FCD. SEEG invasive monitoring was performed to precisely identify the epileptogenic zone (EZ) and for functional language mapping.
Results: The stimulation of the contacts implicated in the EZ through SEEG leads induced language disturbances, which were not reproducible. Surgery was performed under local anesthesia with awake corticosubcortical mapping. Direct intraoperative stimulation in the EZ, including FCD, did not induce language disturbances. Thus, EZ could be removed completely without any postoperative language deficit.
Conclusions: The present case suggests that when language disturbances which occur during invasive SEEG functional mapping, in eloquent areas, are not reproducible, resection can be considered using intraoperative electrical mapping, without inducing permanent language impairment. This may be explained by a certain degree of plasticity and reshaping of functional areas associated with a congenital lesion and chronic epilepsy.
Copyright 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel.