Introduction: The health condition in a population of elderly Turkish immigrants is investigated with special focus on dementia conditions. The possibility to use the screening test Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) in relation to the investigated population is evaluated as well as their future need for a nursing home.
Material and methods: With the help of an interpreter, the Turkish population of elderly (> 60 years old) in the municipality of Ishöj was interviewed about educational-, working- and health conditions. In addition to MMSE and semi-structured interviews, the ICD-10 criteria were used in diagnosing dementia conditions.
Results: We found an increased frequency of dementia conditions (13,3%) compared to the expected prevalence of 7% in the Danish population. Furthermore, we found an increased frequency of diabetes type-2. The use of MMSE as a guideline instrument of screening was shown to be applicable only with modifications to persons who were illiterates and without any education, and to those 1st-generation immigrants who were to a limited degree integrated as citizens
Conclusion: The increased incidence of dementia conditions and diabetes type-2 shows the need for a more assertive approach.