Granulocytic sarcomas (chloromas) are rare extra-medullary tumors arising from primitive granulocytic cells. The term "chloroma" is derived from the Greek word chloros (green), and it refers to the frequently greenish color of the tumor, which is due to the presence and oxidation of the myeloperoxidase enzyme. These tumors can arise de novo or can be associated with other myeloid disorders, such as acute or chronic myeloid leukemia, myeloproliferative or myelodysplastic conditions. Presentation can occur prior to, in association with the underlying myeloid disorder, or upon relapse. The location of the tumor can vary: sub-periosteal bone, skull, pelvis, ribs, sternum or lymph nodes. We report the case of a 58-year-old man who presented right exophthalmos and ophthalmoplegy with computerized tomography (CT) evidence of a retro-orbital mass, which histology confirmed to be a granulocytic sarcoma.