Processing advantages of linear chirped fiber Bragg gratings in the time domain realization of optical frequency-domain reflectometry

Opt Express. 2007 Nov 12;15(23):15464-79. doi: 10.1364/oe.15.015464.


The inclusion of a linear chirped fiber Bragg grating for short pulse dispersion is shown to enhance the time domain realization of optical frequency-domain reflectometry. A low resolution demonstrator is constructed with single surface scans containing 140 resolvable spots. The system dynamic range meets that shown in earlier demonstrations without digital post-processing for signal linearization. Using a conjugate pair of chirped pulses created by the fiber grating, ranging is performed with position and velocity information decoupled. Additionally, by probing the target with short pulses and introducing grating dispersion just before photodetection, velocity immune ranging is demonstrated.