A certain HLA-DQA2 locus TaqI fragment, DX alpha"U", has been reported to be associated with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). Reports of various studies in this vein have ranged from stating that the association of DQA2"U" with IDDM exists even among subjects positive for HLA-DR3 and -DR4 to stating that the association of DQA2"U" with diabetes can be attributed to linkage disequilibrium between the DQA2"U" and some component(s) on the affected haplotypes. Using a synthetic 97-base probe corresponding to a portion of an intron of DQA2, in a Southern blot analysis of IDDM and control subjects from Wisconsin, we were able to confirm the association of DQA2"U" with diabetes. However, among DR3 subjects there was no significant association between DQA2"U" and diabetes (p = 0.26). Although there was a (nonsignificant) association of IDDM with DQA2"U" among DR4-positive subjects (p = 0.14), this can be completely attributed to linkage disequilibrium between DQA2"U" and DQw8. We also sequenced most of the second exon (corresponding to the alpha 1 domain of the DQA2 glycoprotein) from five individuals that were homozygous for either DQA2"U" or DQA2"L." The only polymorphisms observed were a "silent" mutation at position 36 and one example of a difference that would result in a change of amino acid at position 41.