Objective: To clinically phenotype an inherited macular dystrophy with peculiar intraretinal pigment spots, cysts, and hemorrhage in a 24-year-old female proband and her family.
Methods: Extended family members of the proband underwent dilated fundus examination, optical coherence tomography, and, in selected cases, fluorescein angiography and electroretinography.
Results: Seventeen family members, representing 3 generations and ranging in age from 5 to 64 years, were clinically examined. Visual acuities ranged from 20/20 to 20/200. Amblyopia and strabismus were frequently present in affected individuals. Consistent with an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance, 7 family members had multiple central macular cystic spaces and flat, round, densely pigmented spots within the retina. There were right-angle vessels and telangiectasis in the central macula. Two subjects showed evidence of active macular neovascularization with leakage on fluorescein angiography at ages 7 and 24 years, which was responsive to either focal laser or a single injection of bevacizumab. In those cases examined, multifocal electroretinography showed a diminished foveal response.
Conclusions: This spotted cystic neovascular macular dystrophy appears to represent a new autosomal dominant retinal condition. Because these patients are at risk for choroidal neovascularization, identification of the responsible gene may provide insight into the mechanisms of pathological neovascularization.