Objectives: The frequency of dhfr and dhps point mutations was assessed in Plasmodium falciparum isolates from pregnant women in Libreville.
Methods: PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism of polymorphic codons of the dhfr gene (51, 59 and 108) and the dhps gene (436, 437 and 540) was performed in matched peripheral and placental blood samples.
Results: The proportion of multiple mutations was high (98%), and was not different between women with and without a history of intermittent preventive treatment with sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine (IPTp/SP). The prevalence of triple dhfr mutation was 80%, and that of quadruple and quintuple mutations was 53% and 22%, respectively. The Glu540 mutation was present in two isolates. The concordance of resistant alleles in matched peripheral and placental isolates was >90% for both genes.
Conclusions: These findings underline the need for a regular assessment of the relationship between the presence of resistant isolates and in vitro/in vivo IPTp/SP efficacy, and evaluation of an alternative drug.