First-void urine (FVU) sediments of 240 men were tested for Chlamydia trachomatis antigens by two enzyme immunoassays, TestPack Chlamydia (15 min) and Chlamydiazyme (3.5 h), and the results were compared with urethral swab culture results. The sensitivity and specificity on FVU sediment for TestPack Chlamydia were 76.2% (32 of 42 specimens) and 95.5% (189 of 198 specimens) versus 81.0% (34 of 42 specimens) and 96.5% (191 of 198 specimens) for Chlamydiazyme, respectively. Rapid, on-site detection of chlamydial antigen in male FVU would shorten the infectious period by hastening diagnosis and treatment.