Objective: The aim of this study was to document the mortality of twin reversed arterial perfusion (TRAP) sequence from the first trimester to planned intervention at 16-18 weeks.
Study design: A retrospective review was performed of the outcome of monochorionic twin pregnancies diagnosed with twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence in the first trimester.
Results: Twenty-six pregnancies were diagnosed with twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence in the first trimester: 2 opted for termination of pregnancy and 24 opted for prophylactic intervention to arrest the reversed flow, which was planned at 16-18 weeks. In 8 of 24 (33%) pregnancies, spontaneous death of the pump twin occurred between diagnosis and planned intervention. In 5 of 24 (21%), there was a spontaneous arrest of flow; whereas, in 11 (46%) there was persistent flow toward the acardiac twin at 16-18 weeks.
Conclusion: Twin reversed arterial perfusion carries a high mortality between the first and early second trimester.
Copyright 2010. Published by Mosby, Inc.