With the improvement in survival after breast cancer there has been increasing interest in the long-term effects of radiotherapy, including the development of tumours. Compared with the general population, breast cancer survivors have a 10-50% higher risk of developing a second cancer. Radiotherapy may play a role in the onset of such lesions. We describe here the case of a 68-year-old woman who developed synchronous cutaneous angiosarcoma, melanoma and morphea of the breast skin and the local area, 14 years after radiotherapy for breast carcinoma. Given the risk of post-radiation secondary primaries in breast cancer patients, long-term surveillance is necessary, with particular attention being paid to skin changes in the irradiation field. Radiation-induced morphea is a rare complication in which immunological abnormalities may stimulate malignant transformation. Long-term studies are required to clarify the pathogenesis of these rare associations.