L-propionylcarnitine, a short-chain acylcarnitine, has been shown in experimental studies to induce, during acidic and hypoxic conditions, some electrophysiological changes such as an increase of duration of the action potential and of the effective refractory period. In this study, the acute electrophysiological effects of intravenous L-propionylcarnitine (30 mg/kg in 3 min) were studied in 12 subjects with estimated normal function of the sinus node and normal parameters for atrioventricular conduction. Statistically significant changes were observed 2 min after infusion. The sinus cycle length shortened (866 +/- 138 vs 818 +/- 124 msec, P less than 0.05) while refractory periods of the atrioventricular node increased (effective by 30-50 msec in four cases; functional from 425 +/- 52 to 436 +/- 55 msec, P less than 0.05). Sinuatrial conduction time, atrial refractory periods, infranodal conduction, bundle branch, His-Purkinje system and ventricular refractoriness were unchanged. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure were also unchanged. Because of the limited effects on electrophysiological parameters, L-propionylcarnitine should be used as a metabolic drug even in patients with mild disturbances of conduction.