The methodical quality of health services research studies is often subject to criticism. Common standards in the field of health services research have been lacking so far. Hence, the German Network for Health Services Research [Deutsches Netzwerk Versorgungsforschung e. V. (DNVF e. V.)] decided to contribute to an improvement of this situation. The DNVF e. V. has already published part 1 of the Memorandum III"Methods for Health Services Research" for the 3 subject areas "Epidemiological Methods for Health Services Research", "Methods for Organisational Health Services Research" and "Methods for Quality of Life Research". The herewith published Part 2 of the Memorandum extends the spectrum by describing the methodological principles and minimum standards of "Methods of Health Economic Evaluations" and "Registries for Health Services Research". On 30 (th) August 2010, the member societies, mentioned as authors, approved this second part of the Memorandum III. 2 in-depth publications focussing on the 2 mentioned topics will be published in the next issues of this journal. This memorandum is intended for health services researchers who are planning, conducting and publishing studies as well as for reviewers who evaluate research proposals and publications on health services research studies. In accord with the expected advances in knowledge in health services research, it is planned to update the 2 parts of Memorandum III at appropriate intervals and to publish further parts from the huge spectrum of methods relevant to this field in the near future. Thus, the Memorandum has to be considered as work in progress.
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.