Objective: To study two different models of obesity, exocrine and endocrine, and its association on tail arterial pressure (TAP), body weight (BW), glucose metabolism and visceral fat content.
Methods: Male Wistar rats were studied. The MSG group was composed by rats that received of MSG in neonatal period. At the 3rd month of life, part of these animals received cafeteria diet. Animals received saline control in the neonatal period. In the 12 weeks of study, body weight and blood pressure were measured twice a week. In the end of this period on, Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) was performed and the Insulin Sensitivity Index (ISI) was calculated, also the left Relative Ventricular Weight (RLW) and Relative Epididimal Fat Weight (REFW) were obtained.
Results: No changes on BW and TAP were verified. The obesity induced by MSG and CAF, individually, let to increases on insulin resistance (WST = 23,25 ± 9,31; CAF = 15,92 ± 9,10*; MSG = 13,41 ± 3,84* mg-1mU-1, p < 0,05 vs WST) and relative epididimal fat content (WST = 6,20 ± 0,57; CAF = 8,27 ± 1,53*; MSG = 8,23 ± 1,98* g/100 g, *p < 0,05) when these rats were compared to control rats. An enhanced effect upon these parameters was observed with the association of both obesity models (MSG+CAF = 9,34 ± 5,77 mg-1mU-1, p < 0,05 vs MSG and CAF) and visceral fat content (MSG+CAF = 11,12 ± 3,85 g/100g, p < 0,05 vs MSG and CAF).
Conclusion: The association of these two experimental models of obesity aggravates insulin resistance that probably is due at least in part to the increase of visceral fat content.