The induction of labour for intra-uterine fetal death (IUFD) and termination of pregnancy (TOP) is a common obstetrical situation. The management of these specific inductions has improved.
Objectives: Define a protocol that meets the several constraints of security, efficiency and cost for labor induction for IUFD and TOP.
Materials and methods: Review.
Results: The protocol chosen uses the mifepristone 200mg by oral way on the first day for cervical preparation, completed by placing laminaria tents the evening of the 2nd day if the membranes are unreachable. On the 3rd day, in the birth room, the labor starts under analgesia, by using misoprostol 400 μg through vaginal way every 3 hours. Specific situations such as scarred uterus need modifications.
Conclusion: Many protocols are described in the literature, they differ in their molecules, their dosages and their associations. This review offers a protocol that meets the announced objectives.
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