Reporting of undesirable drug reactions is a problem in all countries, even those with sophisticated drug regulatory bodies. However we can expect a horrible picture in developing countries like Pakistan where drug regulatory control is very poor, hence present study has been exclusively designed to explore the outcome of individual administration of antiepileptic, antihypertensive, antidiabetic, antiarrhythmic drugs and their combinations on lipid profile and glucose. The study was conducted on healthy rabbits of either sex. Biochemical tests were performed at the completion of dosing i.e. on 61st day and again after drug-free interval of 15 days. Present study provides detailed evaluation of adverse effects on lipid profile and glucose, results of the study suggests that animals received amiodarone-glibenclamide-verapamil-oxcarbazepine combination did not revealed any significant changes but animals received amiodarone-glibenclamide-losartan potassium-oxcarbazepine and amiodarone-glibenclamide-captopril-oxcarbazepine combinations revealed significant changes. However more studies on large number of animals and human beings are required to justify the use of multiple drug administration, since trial in man is the only way of establishing drug interactions.