The degradation of elastin during various pathological processes such as emphysema or arteriosclerosis was demonstrated by several investigators. In the present work, we adapted an ELISA technique for the determination of elastin peptide (EP) levels in human sera and plasma, in healthy and arteriosclerotic subjects. This test makes use of human aorta elastin hydrolyzed by a chemical procedure (kappa-elastin) instead of EP produced by pancreatic or leukocyte elastase. Polyclonal antibodies to this antigen were obtained in rabbits. The indirect ELISA procedure is sensitive, specific and reproducible. No correlation could be demonstrated between EP level and anti-EP antibody concentration of IgG or IgM types determined in the same serum samples. These antibodies did not interfere with EP determinations. EP concentration did not change with age in control subjects. In obliterative arteriosclerosis of the legs and in type IIb hyperlipoproteinemia, EP levels showed a marked increase, while in hypertension, ischemic heart disease and diabetes mellitus, the increase was moderate. In stroke, only slight changes were observed. In type IV hyperlipoproteinemia, EP levels were lower than in controls.