A prospective study was carried out in Barcelona, Spain, to determine the incidence of mental disorders including substance use disorders (SUDs). From a cohort of 288 young adult (aged 18-30 years) cocaine and/or heroin users recruited in nonclinical settings, 158 were reinterviewed 18 months later using the Psychiatric Research Interview for Substance and Mental Disorders. During follow-up, 18% of subjects presented a new SUD, and nearly 11% a new non-SUD Axis I disorder. Incidence was highest for mood disorders (8%). Being a woman, a lower frequency of substance use at baseline, a younger age of heroin first use, and a worsening of SUD were associated with a higher likelihood of presenting a new Axis I disorder. Having received drug treatment ever (at baseline) or during follow-up was not associated with progress of SUD. An overall improvement in the psychiatric status of these young substance users was observed.
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