Aim: To investigate the association between oral contraceptive (OC) use and abnormal glucose regulation in Swedish middle aged women.
Methods: A prospective population-based study including 4794 women, aged 36-56 at baseline. None had previously diagnosed diabetes. At both baseline and follow-up 8 years later, the women were examined by oral glucose tolerance test. Information regarding lifestyle factors and anthropometric measurements were collected.
Results: At baseline, current use of OCs was associated with pre (Odds ratio, OR 4.1, 95%CI 2.2-7.8) but not with type 2 diabetes. The association to prediabetes was entirely linked to IGT (OR 7.1, 3.3-15.8) in current users of OCs and in former users (OR 2.1, 1.1-3.9). Women who used OC at baseline had a better cardiovascular disease risk profile; lower body mass index (BMI), more physically active and less smoking. At follow-up, the increased risk did not persist.
Conclusion: Current use of OC was associated with a four times increased risk of having prediabetes and seven times of having impaired glucose tolerance. No increased risk persisted at the follow-up, suggesting that the risk due to prior use of OC is decreasing with time. The healthier lifestyle in women who used OCs may have contributed to reduced long-term risk of prediabetes.
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