Skin-reducing mastectomy is a single-stage technique that helps us to overcome the cosmetic inadequacy of a Type IV Wise pattern skin-sparing mastectomy (final T-inverted scar) in heavy and pendulous breasts by filling the lower-medial quadrant with adequate volume. It also conceals scars as an aesthetic operation and at the same time provides satisfactory and safe coverage of the implant. We report our experience with 22 skin-reducing mastectomies done for 18 women. We modified part of the original description of raising the dermal flap to refine the anatomical results. This flap was mobilised better by detachment of the lateral part of its insertion along the inframammary fold, and this allowed us to close the dermomuscular pouch inferiorly and laterally without raising the serratus anterior or limiting its rise. The total or partial preservation of the serratus muscle together with the creation of a force directed medially, as indicated by the dermal flap, reduced the risks of lateral dislocation of the implant and improved the lateral breast contour to give a more natural shape. Skin-reducing mastectomy is an oncologically safe skin-sparing mastectomy that solves all cosmetic problems and reduces complications of the original Type IV Wise pattern in medium to large breasts. Doing the mastectomy and reconstruction in a single stage aids the favourable psychological approach of the patient. We emphasise the use of our small modification to refine the contour of the breast and improve the aesthetic outcomes by giving a natural curvilinear profile.