Introduction: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the histological effects of dynamic abdominal wall compression using the magnetic anchoring and guidance system (MAGS) platform.
Methods: Cholecystectomy was performed in two nonsurvival and two survival pigs using a single-site laparoscopic (SSL) approach. A deployable MAGS cautery dissector was used to perform the entire dissection in conjunction with a laparoscope and other instruments. The abdominal wall areas corresponding to the region occupied by the MAGS platform were examined grossly and microscopically for signs of tissue damage. Gallbladder dissection time was 36 min with no complications. Compressed abdominal wall thickness was 1.4 cm.
Results: In all four animals, a very mild skin erythema was noted immediately postprocedure but was nonvisible within 20 min. Mild peritoneal blanching was noted in two animals, and one animal exhibited a 5-mm area of petechiae. Necropsy demonstrated no adhesions. Light microscopy documented no evidence of tissue injury for all specimens.
Discussion: This study demonstrated that the use of the MAGS cautery dissector for a SSL cholecystectomy was advantageous in providing triangulation and did not result in any significant gross or microscopic tissue damage despite the thin abdominal wall of the porcine model.